Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Craphound'n find of the year (to date)

I pulled a gorgeous 1950's Vissetti blue and cream sewing machine out of a dumpster today. It's in a latching color-matched case, not too dissimilar to the one that houses my awesome typewriter (which most people who know me have seen), works like new, and is in absolute mint condition. One rubber foot on the foot pad needs to be replaced, and it needs a needle, but all the belts and mechanics look like they've never been used. My favorite part is the "As Seen In Life" badge just below the brand name. I'll be uploading photos tomorrow...


Charlie said...

The things you find...

You've already got a computer...

and I'm sure you don't sew too much.

Nate said...

When I was a first year resident, I really needed to sew giant pockets on the inside of my lab coat. Sadly, I did not have a sewing machine, and I wasn't about to shell out $124.59 for the cheapest one they had in the Target. Because I couldn't find one, I ordered the "Handi-Stitch" blue screen TV sewing machine (it was 19.99 and I also ordered right away and got 20 things of thread, a bobbin, and a bamboo steamer). It worked only well enough for me to give up and do it by hand. So I disagree with Josh - keep looking and if you get duplicates of something cool, you have a really nice uncle in Oregon. And moreover, if this physics thing doesn't work out, you may have a future as a tailor, pattern-maker, or neurosurgeon (who, incidentally, also sews).