Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Patience and Hospitality

Last night I transfered my Comcast account to our new address. Apparently I will no longer be eligible for the student package that I'd grandfathered in from Urban Cableworks (now Time Warner), but the woman helping me on the phone was extremely helpful, and actually got me an even better deal by the end of the call. She spent a lot more time trying to help me than she had to, and the experience was drastically different from any previous dealing I've had with Comcast (which have historically ended with me yelling, or demanding to speak with a supervisor). I later realized that this was probably because it was the first time I was calling about something other than comcast screwing me over, and as a result I was much more polite and patient than usual.

Then today I read this story: Attempted Robbery Ends In Group Hug (Yahoo! News)

Somehow the two incidents seem remarkably similar to me. And yes, I realize that I'm likening Comcast to an armed thief, and yes, I think that's an appropriate comparison to draw.

via [boingboing]

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