So this weeks been a bit crazy. Leorah's been in Charleston visiting the folks, so I've been having to run home earlier and more often to walk the dog. It was also the last week that I TA labs this semester, and I managed to forget to show up for one of them! I've also hit another hitch with my research so I've been having to contact venders about a custom made part, which is probably the most time-wasting and boring part of getting an experiment off the ground.
The theme for the week has been unhealthy eating: I started the week out with a chicken fried steak on Sunday, and followed it up with pizza, ice cream, chili (right before a soccer game: bad idea), peanut-butter cookies, easter candy (thanks for the care package mom, dad, and josh!), and so on. I've come to the conclusion that one unhealthy food week a year is sufficient to remind me how great vegetables are. Still, I'm going to go out with a bang and make an Easter ham on Sunday.
I also got my beta copy of Joost this week. So far it's great. I can see it being a much more effective tool for targeted marketing than conventional cable, and once they resolve some buffering issues, and get a bit more content services like this could really give Crapcast a run for its money.
Oh yeah, HORSIES!!! These are the pics from last Saturday at the horse farm Leorah rides at:
This is Leorah and 'her' horse Louie (the cheeky one chewing on her arm). That dark horse behind them is Chapter, a former racehorse, and the horse of the farm's owner.
Here's Chapter and Louie running.
Here's Louie running some more.
Here's Chapter showing some interest in my camera.
This is Colin, a pretty white horse that hangs out with Louie and Chapter alot.
Here's another pretty horse. I forgot his name.
Here's Colin again. He really is all white. He just needs a good brushing.
And she wonders why he always nibbles at her hands!
Colin and Chapter
Colin eating
Probably my favorite part of the farm. Fat dogs.
Here's my favorite pic of Louie

This is why our help was needed: a driving competition. This is Louie's half-sister.
More chubby dogs.
1 comment:
Hooray for horsies! I like the pictures. -Katie
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