Sunday, April 29, 2007

School's out for summer!

Hello world!
I'm back after 2 weeks of coughing blood, (literally) feverishly writing a term paper, and cramming for a quantum exam in far too little time. It's amazing how much a week of being debilitatingly ill can screw up your schedule.

Anyhow, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, and now that I'm not displaying tubercular symptoms any longer I imagine I'll be posting with more regularity.

Also, just a heads up, my goal for the summer is to complete at least 3 MAKE projects, so I'll post the results here. My first project is one I'd meant to do last summer but never got around to, which is to build a kite-borne aerial-photography rig (don't worry dad, my digital camera will stay earth-bound: the rig mounts disposable cameras).

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